This event is open to NA, SA + EU players only.
All registration must be done via community gaming. The tournament takes place on February 20th (1pm eastern time).
Rules / Time February 20th at 1pm eastern time. The Axie Infinity BEAT Invitational is open to the regions of North / South America + Europe. Do not register if you are from anywhere else. You will be removed or disqualified.
- Check in takes place 60 mins prior. Wait list will replace checkins 30 mins prior (if there is one). If there are more than 256 players, those on the list of 256 will be prioritized due to how the system works.
- Free Entry
- It is highly recommended to sign up in the discord in case of disputes or problems.
- For the qualifiers, you can freely swap axies in between matches.
Extended rulebook - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PcyH75VV997NyM5y_DakHO8Re_i9aZKh/view
- Disputes/glitches will be decided by the players. Admins can be flagged if needed
- Respect admins and your fellow players
- Spam in our chat will result in disqualification. Please flag an admin if you need help
- Please report incidents of harassment to our mods on Discord
- Right to disqualify: BEAT esports organisers and admins reserve the right to disqualify players. Players should maintain sportsmanship and a positive attitude, we are here to be inclusive.
- Bo5 - First to 3 wins aka (best of 5) - Rounds 256 - 16
- Bo7 - First to 4 wins aka (Best of 7) - Rounds 16 - 4
- Top 2 advance to Season 2 of Axie Infinity BEAT Invitational which takes place on February 26th and 27th.
Streaming: Streaming is allowed at your own discretion. If you get stream sniped it is your responsibility. There will be no official stream for the open qualifiers.
Discord: https://discord.gg/xnuA2VHVtp
Prize Pool There is no prize pool for the open qualifiers. You will receive an invite if you place in the top 2.
- Round 256 - 13:00 eastern time
- Round 128 - 13:45 eastern time
- Round 64 - 14:30 eastern time
- Round 32 - 15:15 eastern time
- Round 16 - 16:00 eastern time
- Round 8 - 17:00 eastern time
- Round 4 - 18:00 eastern time
Rules may be modified without notice.