Elpis Battle Tournament By:
Team Size
1 Players
Double Elimination
285 USDT
24 hours
29 May 2023
12:00 AM
Join the organizer's Discord to engage with others and be notified about their events.


Capped at 16 Players.

If a player loses one match, he/she will be slotted into the lower bracket. Getting defeated in two matches results in elimination from the tournament.

BO1 format will be followed until the lower bracket final and upper bracket final, after which the format will switch to BO3

Start Time: 29th June at 00:00 UTC.

🏆 $300 USDT PRIZE POOL Top 8 Payout

#1: $100 USDT

#2: $80 USDT

#3: $45 USDT

#4: $30 USDT

#5 - #6: Each receive $10 USDT

#7 - #8: Each receive $5 USDT

The winner of 1 lucky match wins $15 USDT


A line-up ONLY ALLOWED TO HAVE MINIMUM 1 Legendary/Heroic heroes.

Only 2 heroes can wear Equipment (exclude the Legendary/Heroic heroes).

Upgrade, Evolve (for equipment), and Awake (for Hero) actions are accepted in the tournament.

No heroes and equipment transfer during the tournament is allowed.

Each player can only register up to 7 Heroes to participate in the tournament.

Root accounts and scholars can both register to participate.

Players cannot register multiple squads from one single wallet.

The match will be restarted if a technical error occurs. Everything in the rematch will stay the same as the previous one - (Formation, Heroes position, Leader pick).

Quitting the game on purpose (with proof) or using offensive language will result in a loss.

Players must link their Discord Account with Community Gaming (to easily contact the opponents during the COMPETITION WITHOUT SUPERVISION round).

👤 ** PROCESS**

REGISTER: From 26th June 08:00 UTC to 28th June 00:00 UTC 2023. After creating an account, click Join Tournament above.

Then Join Elpis Discord Server. We'll be coordinating matches in the #PVP channel and assisting players. Lukas I Elpis Battle#4018 is the main admin to answer any questions.

Lastly, head to your Account Settings and add your ELPIS BATTLE username in the 'Platform Links' tab. This will make it much easier to challenge your opponent on the day of the tournament when we check into Discord.


28th June 00:00 UTC to 29th June 00:00 UTC 2023. After Check-in, Admin will publish the Bracket.


Time: 29th June 00:00 UTC to 2nd July 00:00 UTC 2023.

Up to 16 participants will contact their opponents following the Bracket to arrange a match time.

The results should then be sent to the referee team (Telegram Account: @Lukas_ElpisBattle or Discord: Lukas I Elpis Battle#4018).

Matches between 2 players should be recorded and self-reported in Community Gaming. In case the results do not match (e.g. 1 party does not report or has different results), the attached documents will be used to verify the results (e.g. screen recording).

**Note: **If both players are unable to arrange their own time, the match will be played in the supervised competition phase.


Time: From 11:00 UTC to 13:00 UTC, 2nd July 2023.

The matches that are not played in the COMPETITION WITHOUT SUPERVISION phase will be prioritized to play first, from upper-bracket matches to lower-bracket matches.

5 minutes for players to show up. After 5 minutes, Admin will decide the players who advance into the next stage (will prioritize players who have already checked in. If all terms are equal, the winner will be decided randomly).

The final 3 matches will be played right after all the matches in the COMPETITION WITHOUT SUPERVISION phase have been completed.

Note: When registering to compete, players must register with the wallet address used to participate in the tournament. This will be the address for the reward distribution.

Heroes registered are the Heroes used in the tournament.

The maximum number of Heroes registered to use in the tournament is 7.

However, players only need a - minimum of 4 Heroes and can still participate in the tournament.

There will be 16 players RANDOMLY selected from the registration form.

Prize Distribution
1st100 USDT
2nd80 USDT
3rd45 USDT
4th30 USDT
5th10 USDT


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