After creating an account, click Join Tournament above.
In order to be eligible to play you MUST be on AgoraDex Discord and follow them on twitter
On the day of the Tournament, ALL PLAYERS SHOULD BE PRESENT ON OUR DISCORD , we will manage the event from there Tournament Channel. Lastly, head to your Account Settings and add your GAME NAME username in the 'Platform Links' tab.
Be sure to have your discord connected to the community gaming platform
Migas, Oz & Milkou are the main admins to message with any questions.
- Download elixir launcher
- Search for rooniverse
- Download and instal the game
- 16 players
- 2 rounds
- Round 1: 2 lobbies with 8 players, 3 matches, top 4 moves forward
- Round 2: 1 lobbie with 8 players, 3 matches
- Best 4 players of each lobby move forward (in case of a tie first game result from each round will be used as a tie breaker)
- Point system:
- 1=8 pts
- 2=7 pts
- 3=6 pts
- 4=5 pts
- 5=4 pts
- 6=3 pts
- 7=2 pts
- 8=1 pts
Check-in/Gamer start:
The game will start 10min after the check-in ends. This will allow the players & admins time to form the game Lobby.
Lobby creation:
- The admins will appoint one player for each lobby to create the lobby
- Press play
- Go to room code
- Add code (this is the server password)
- Select europe server
- Create room
- Go to community gaming matchroom and share code with other players
- Once all 8 players are in the lobbie, press start mini-royal from the "host control" menu
° 1st: $75
° 2nd: $50
° 3rd: $25
- Teams must be actively participating per the game mode blatant AFK will be considered bad sportsmanship and result in DQ.
- Toxic behaviour identified by a ref will result in a warning after 2 warnings the player is DQ'd.
- If a decision is controversial in nature the refs will make a determination and that will be the course of action going forward.
- Playerâs internet connection is their own responsibility to maintain and disconnection from a match may result in a disqualification subject to an adminâs decision.
Match Results: We recommend that at least one member of each team take a screenshot of each gameâs results in case proof is needed for a dispute.
Referee's have the final words over any conflicts, we all here to have fun .
Reach out to XBorg Discord with any questions.