FREE Entry, No Rank Requirement
The tournament will be casted LIVE on our Twitch Channel
$5 Prize to one random participant (Min 4 Rounds Played)
Submitting a deck list through player registration is mandatory
Alphos#7067 is the Admin
After creating an account, click Join Tournament above
Make sure you have added your deck list code and your Discord Tag to your registration details when signing up
(Please use the in-game share feature for the deck code. Snap.fan deck links are NOT a valid form of submission)
- Then Join our Discord Server. We'll be giving out tournament roles to players registered, if you can't talk in #tournament-chat ask for help using @Moderator, if you have a role please @Event Staff in #help-desk for any questions
If you wish to have your match featured live on stream please follow these steps
- Send a message in #feature-me including the following:
- Your current W/T/L Record
- The platform you will be screen sharing from (Desktop/Mobile)
- The resolution you will be screen sharing at
Example: 3-0, Desktop, 1920x1080
When the brackets are posted enter the Arena Voice Channel corresponding to your table number in the bracket. For example if you're at Table 12 on the bracket list you would join voice channel 'Arena 12'
Turn on your discord screen share and make sure full screen is enabled before you enter your match. These channels are restricted to a user limit of 1, be assured that only tournament staff and casters can join you and spectate
Keep an eye on the #feature-me channel for announcements on which matches are picked to be featured. If you are chosen you will be dragged from your Arena voice channel to the main broadcasting voice channel. This process will end your current screen share, meaning you will need restart your discord screen share once in the broadcast channel
Do not worry there will be a delay on stream to prevent stream-sniping
Capped at 128 Players
7 Rounds of Swiss
Best of 1 Battle Mode Matches
The Top 8 Players from the Swiss will advance into a Single Elimination Bracket
Best of 1 Battle Mode Matches
The Quarter-finals will be played simultaneously
The Semi-finals will be played one after the other
The Grand Final will be played after both the Semi-finals have concluded (duh!)
Estimated duration is 7 hours (5 hours of Swiss)
Brackets will be released shortly after check-in closes
Each round will last a total duration of 40 minutes
Please @Event Staff in #drop-me if you wish to be dropped from the tournament
🏆 $300 PRIZE POOL Top 8 Pay-out
Winner: $100 USD + Qualify to the Snap.fan World Championship
Runner-up: $50 USD
3rd-4th: $35 USD
5th-8th: $20 USD
Expect payment through PayPal within 14 working days, contact Alphos#7067 on discord if this is not met
Top Cut Players will also earn points toward the Battle Arena Dailies Leader board, at the end of each season the #1 ranked player will qualify to the Snap.fan World Championship
Runner-up: 12 Points
Top Four: 8 Points
Top Eight: 4 Points
Top Sixteen: 2 Points
Please treat your opponents and staff with respect
If you knowingly queue a different deck to the one submitted, you will be disqualified
If you accidentally queue the wrong deck and/or quit out of the match, you will receive a game loss and a warning. Screenshot proof of an opponents disconnect is required
You will play 1 round of Battle Mode against the opponent you are matched with
Match codes must be shared in your lobby chat, not on discord
You must report your own score, raise a match dispute if it's incorrect
You must upload a screenshot to verify the result
If your match is ongoing 40 minutes after round start it ends in a tie
Timer Clause: In the last 2 rounds of Swiss if a game is a high seed (x-0, x-1, x-2) let it finish naturally to avoid intentional draws
If your opponent has not shown up 5 minutes after round start please raise a match dispute so we may drop them
In the event that a disconnect occurs, wait for the 'Waiting for opponent' timer to reach 0. After that you may screenshot the result as evidence then raise a match dispute to be awarded a game win
All rulings made by the Admin Alphos#7067 are final
If you have an issue during the match please raise a match dispute and a member of our staff will come to help you
Please use the #help-desk channel for assistance or questions by pinging @Event Staff
You may edit your deck list in you registration info right up until Tournament Start
The bracket will be viewable on this page after the tournament starts
Reach out to us on our discord for any questions