After creating an account here : Bullieverse , click Join Tournament above or use this link to signup for the tournament - Join Tournament YOU MUST SIGNUP ON THIS LINK TO BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD THE GAME.
Then Join our Discord Server. We'll be coordinating matches in the #community-gaming channel and assisting players. NF_Tcaff#5581 is the main admin to message with any questions.
Lastly, head to your click the 3dots menu next to "Donate" button above, and click "edit game username" where you will enter the username affiliated with your bullieverse.com account!
BEFORE PLAYING! - when in the game main menu, make sure to click "Survive the Necromancer" in the tournament selection menu on the right side of the screen. Failure to do so will result in a score of 0!!!!
🎮 Necrodemic - GAME FORMAT
Capped at 1000 Players.
Single player survival game with leaderboard ranking system.
Unlimited tries to rank up the leaderboard.
Start Time: Nov 17th at 2:00 pm EST to Nov 23rd 2:00 PM EST
BEFORE PLAYING! - when in the game main menu, make sure to click "Survive the Necromancer" in the tournament selection menu on the right side of the screen. Failure to do so will result in a score of 0!!!!
🏆 $500 PRIZE POOL Top 10 Payout
1st: $100
2nd: $75
3rd: $50
4th: $25
5 - 8th: Each receives $15
9 - 16th: Each receives $10
9 - 16th: Each receives $10
17 - 32nd: Each receives $5
33 - 64nd: Each receives $1
Everyone with a score above 20,000 will get a free entry ticket to 25,000$ Fresh Blood Tournament
What is Bullieverse? Bullieverse is an open metaverse built on Unreal Engine and backed by the Polygon blockchain to bring an immersive gaming and social experience consisting of a myriad of games from multiple genres and structures for players of all kinds.
What is Necrodemic? Necrodemic is a web3, wave-based zombie survival game built in the Bullieverse. Survive as many rounds of the zombie horde as you can to get the highest score. Prizes will be distributed based upon your score placement in the tournament you entered.
Where can I learn more about Bullieverse/Necrodemic? - Please visit our website at Bullieverse.com or our discord at discord.gg/bullieverse where you can speak to a member of our team!
Where is Necordemic playable - Currently Necrodemic is available on PC and soon MAC.
What are the system requirements for Necrodemic? - The recommended systems are listed below - OS: Windows 10 + CPU: Intel Core i5-10300H RAM: 8GB GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 VRAM: 4GB
The bracket will be viewable on this page after the tournament starts.
Tournament payouts will be paid out immediately after the tournament ends.
Reach out to contact@bullieverse.com with any questions.