First, join our discord, all the information is here!
Create a Ev.io account, create a wax wallet account and a polygon wallet address. You can use our App Wombat iOS or Android to create the blockchain accounts.
You can use this discord channel to sign up on the tournament. Overall, You will need to sign up on the Google Form, on Community Gaming website and confirm it in discord's sign-up channel. If any information is missing, you might be disqualified or not be able to receive the prizes.
- Duration: 2 Days Tournament
- Game Mode: Deathmatch 1v1 - all matches are Bo3s (except Finals: Bo5)
- Map: Ancient Only
- Participants: Players of any and all skill levels.
- Check-in: Active (it means that on the first day, you need to click on check-in to confirm you are present from 4:30 PM CET to 5 PM CET or you will be given a default loss)
- Bo3 - Round of 512 - 5:00PM CET - 5:30PM CET
- Bo3 - Round of 256 - 5:30PM CET - 6:00PM CET
- Bo3 - Round of 128 - 6:00PM CET - 6:30PM CET
- Bo3 - Round of 64 - 6:30PM CET - 7:00PM CET
- Bo3 - Round of 32 - 7:00PM CET - 7:30PM CET
- Bo3 - Round of 16 - 5:00PM CET - 5:30PM CET
- Bo3 - Quarter Finals - 5:30PM CET - 6:00PM CET
- Bo3 - Semi Finals - 6:00PM CET - 6:30PM CET
- Bo3 - Third Place - 6:30PM CET - 7:00PM CET
- Bo5 - Grand Finals - 7:00PM CET - 7:30PM CET
Approved Servers: US East, US West, Europe
First, try to agree with your opponent on a server that you both can use for the entire match
If a server cannot be agreed upon:
- Game 1: Top player on brackets decides one of the above 3 servers.
- Game 2: Other player on the bracket picks a server.
- Game 3: Defaults to EUROPE unless both players agree to change.
- Once the tournament starts, go to the Bracket Page
- Find your match, then click on your match
- You will now be in your match chat room and are able to chat with your opponents to set up your lobby
- One person goes to "Create Game" from the top of the main menu
- In this Private Game Area, switch on the tournament mode slider for all matches in this tournament. This will make sure you have the correct rules and map for your matches.
- Pick the server for that lobby (see the server rules above)
- Pick the game mode for the tournament (Team Deathmatch)
- Pick the Map for your match (Ancient Map)
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen here and click "Start Game"
- You will now be in the Custom Match Lobby, from this screen the host will click "Share Game" and share the link with their opponents through the match room feature on the CG site here.
- Mode: Deathmatch
- Regions: Worldwide
- Servers: US East, US West, Europe
- Duration: 5 Minutes or First Team to 20 Kills
- Max Players 2 (1v1)
- Gravity: 0.07
- DMG Multiplier: 1
- Timescale: 1
- Tick rate: Single
- Bot Count: 0
- Bot Level: 1
- The game mode is Deathmatch, the goal is to have fewer deaths after the game time than your opponent.
- Match Tie: If after the map is over, both players have tied (have the exact same amount of deaths):
- Whichever player has a higher kills at the game end wins the tiebreakers.
- If both are exactly the same, the game will be replayed.
📝 WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT 📝 Any and all weapons and abilities are able to be used at anytime. This includes everything in a players "Abilities" menu as well as picked up weapons in-game
📝Match Delay📝 Players may not delay the start of a match beyond its scheduled start time without the approval of an admin.
📝Disconnects📝 A player’s internet connection will be their own responsibility for the duration of the tournament. In the event of a disconnect during a match, the player may try to rejoin the match using the original lobby invite link they used to join the lobby. After a set amount of time this link may become invalid. Should the player be unable to join, he will loose.
📝No-shows📝 The no-show grace period time is 10 minutes after the match has become live. Please write on the tournament chat to report a no-show.
📝Match Results📝 The winner has to take a screenshot of each game’s results and upload it. You can report your score after the full Bo3 is completed on the site and include those screenshots.
🏆 PRIZE POOL: $1000 in $WOMBAT + 100 NFTs
1st: $200 + 30 NFTs
2nd: $100 + 20 NFTs
3rd: $60 + 15 NFTs
4th: $40 + 15 NFTs
5 - 8th: Each receive $30 + 5 NFTs
9th - 16th: Each receive $20
17th - 32th: Each receive $10
33th - 64th: Each receive $5